Schmigalla Straße 1, 71229 Leonberg
Tel +49 7152-6065-0
Fax +49 7152-6065-65
Steffen Schmigalla
Registry Court: AG Stuttgart
Registry Number: HRB 250 813
Share capital: 52.000 Euro
VAT ID number according to Section 27a of the Value Added Tax Act in Germany (UStG): DE146032894
Person responsible for content according to Section 55 Para. 2 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV)
Steffen Schmigalla
Schmigalla Straße 1, 71229 Leonberg
Tel +49 7152-6065-0
Fax +49 7152-6065-65
Managing director authorized to represent
Jochen Schmigalla
Steffen Schmigalla
Mattias Bauz
Legal Information
Hypertext link
The website of MAS GmbH contains hypertext links to other websites. MAS GmbH is not responsible for the compliance with data protection regulations on these websites and assumes no responsibility for their content. Third parties may only establish a hypertext link to the MAS GmbH website after obtaining prior consent from our company. If you want to put a hyperlink on our website, please contact us in writing.
Limitation of Liability
All information on the website of MAS GmbH has been created with the utmost care; however, MAS GmbH assumes no liability for the accuracy of this information. MAS GmbH shall not be liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of its web site, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence on the part of MAS GmbH.
All trademarks used on our websites are subject to trademark protection. This applies e.g. to model names, labels, logos, emblems and the names of services.
Copyrights, Intellectual Property
All information published on the website of MAS GmbH (text and image materials, music, graphics, animations, videos etc.) and their arrangement on the website are subject to copyright protection. Duplication, distribution, reproduction or disclosure and other use is not permitted without the written permission of MAS GmbH. We further point out that images contained on the web sites are partly subject to the copyright of third parties.
General Terms and Conditions (T&C)
Our terms and conditions are available during normal business hours or can be requested from our address for inspection.